Shannon’s new job has begun – and Monday (yesterday), being new to the area and not sure where at the hospital to go for the first day, Shannon had me drop her off so she’d be fresh and alert.
Then I went to find a bike route for her commute.
We are temporarily staying at a campground about 10 miles south of the hospital, and if you get on Google maps and ask for directions from here to there, it takes you on roads most of the way even if you specify bike routes.
However, on Sunday we drove that suggested route so Shannon would know where to ride and during that drive we thought we saw a bike path on the other side of the river, but the wind was screaming – it was not biking weather at all so we didn’t investigate.
Instead, after dropping her off yesterday I went to the park about halfway between the campground and hospital, and got on my bike to see what I could find. It turns out we were right about seeing a bike path.
This morning we both got up early and I rode with her to the hospital to show her the route I found. Half of her commute is going to be gorgeous!
Here are some pics of the north half of her route: (click on them to enlarge)

It’s about 30 minutes of roadside riding in a 55mph zone. Luckily there are very wide, clean shoulders. And we’ve seen lots of bicyclists on this route so regular traffic should be pretty bike savvy. Hopefully.
The other thing is, tomorrow, April first, another couple of campgrounds open up for the season. (if Coronavirus doesn’t change things). These are about 7 miles north of the hospital and there are bike paths about 95% of the way there.
So while she’s at orientation tomorrow, I’ll be heading north to see if we can get a place up there. (and if we do, check back soon for more pics of another, better commute!