Shannon has been working a travel gig in Olympia for the past 6 months. These usually last only 3 months but they loved her so much (and she loved them as well) that she extended for a second 3-month term.

Tim picked up a temporary job as a FedEx delivery driver during the busy holiday season, and part way into the new year as well.

But the road is calling so we’re heading out in early May. We will be taking a circuitous route toward Southern Utah (and yes, Moab is on the itinerary!) Rigby needs some good dry weather to air out all of the condensation we’ve been living with in the wet Pacific Northwest. And we need to do some mountain biking in the desert. So we’re super excited to be hitting the road again (and so is Rigby).
We will be sharing more of our travels here as we make our way along.